There's no punishment too "cruel and unusual" for these criminal clowns! I hope your post and this open letter get shared widely and reach the eyes of good people with real power. As you noted, power without accountability is a cancer that will destroy entire civilizations if not contained quickly, and our civilization is now in stage four of this cancer. But more people are waking up and losing their reluctance to call things out, especially as the symptoms of this cancer grow more obvious and more alarming, so the COVID criminals may get their accountability sooner than later.

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Well said. The only quibble is that the DoD is possibly not unparalleled in budget: in 2022 defense spending came in behind Social Security, non-defense discretionary spending, and only a little ahead of Medicare/Medicaid spending (well, ok around 4 billion ahead, but that is <1%, so little but not little :D ). I am totally willing to believe that the accounting is off by a fair bit and there is DoD spending that isn't categorized as defense, but sadly the defense budget is much smaller than Social Security. Imagine how much graft happens over in that realm.

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Clicking on the link " signing the petition." creates a "502 Bad Gateway" error... Just a heads up.

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I signed the accountability letter.



I almost didn’t sign.

I’m the almost didn’t guy.

I’d better get smokes 🚬 inside

And somebody let us out when it gets spicy, the glove is thrown down.

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I want to be ... er... shit.


I thought Mac was cool.

I have to tell ya, I’m the nerd with the dumb jokes.

Every group needs one.

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