The standard reply: "There is no larger conspiracy, although there may be some confluence of interests." The global meetings attended by those travelling with private jets. The burner phones used by Fauci, et alia. This demarcation between "conspiracy" and "confluence of interests" becomes less comforting as the evidence -- the recent history -- is revealed.

The Unacceptable Jessica, in post you likely already know, shares the essay "There Was No Pandemic." https://jessicar.substack.com/cp/131710953 By this, she means by a strict public health or epidemiological perspective. We had the equivalent of a bad -- but not horrific -- flu season due to the lab-enhanced virus. But from the WHO to the WEF and more, the geo-political machinery was already in place, waiting for a crisis, to implement bio-security authoritarianism in the name of public safety.

Rightfully or wrongly, and I should hope dead wrong, the perception exists that the US Military is being purged of members who would honor their oaths and defend the nation and the Constitution. Instead, it is being turned into federalized quasi-policing force -- and likely for future use against dissenting American citizens and communities and not just international disturbances. (Since we no longer fight "wars," at least as declared by Congress). I do not say this is true. But the Covax loyalty test -- which had no basis in public health -- remains deeply disturbing.

Thank you for footnote 2. An overdue post of mine -- how the US government in the past has too freely experimented with (primarily) the enlisted personnel. Once well-documented, but now also forgotten history. Sadly, there *might be a longer history or a precedence to the Covax nonsense.

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If not for the media coverage and the iatrogenocide (forcing vents and Remsdesevir and denying early treatment with repurposed drugs) nobody would have noticed. Indeed as research conducting by Battacharya et al noted, this thing was in wide circulation in 2019, and nobody did notice. Jessica Rose is one of the good ones for sure. She is good proof that all the credentials in the world along with competence and sound reasoning mean nothing in the face of the captured institutions when it comes time to execute an agenda "for the greater good." I've said it before and I'll say it again, its good to have you back!

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The virus may have been circulating much earlier than they have said. Like February of 2019. Something with the exact same symptoms went through our office at the end of that February. I was out of work for six days, and it was #3 for the sickest I had been ever. Interestingly enough, I never got the virus. I refused to wear a mask unless I absolutely had to go somewhere I’d get thrown out if I didn’t (40 years of research down the drain). And I know I was exposed to it later. Like really exposed- I was in a car with a family member for six hours the day before they got sick.

Since almost everyone in authority is a liar, there is absolutely no way to tell what is true or what isn’t. “Truth” is only whatever they want it to be at the moment.

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There are no certain answers to research questions, just probabilities with error bars. It is still possible to gain understanding, just don't expect globohomo to recognize, value, or care about the truth as all they are concerned with is power.

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Grant have you checked into the immediate crisis financing of this fiasco? You see already by October of 2019 the Fed was quietly bailing out the desperate gamblers of Finance.... COVID was an enormous windfall for the markets. Boeing for instance was in hock for $46B , which happens to be the amount they borrowed for stock buybacks.

Control Fraud. Except it’s legal.

There was reason to panic about the supply chain from Wuhan and China, as we discovered yet again just in time is often too little too late, or never... when you tune your (scams) to precise tolerances of REPO to accounts receivable to projected earnings to...to...to... then any (real world) ah FRICTION is bankruptcy.

If you don’t speak Wall Street thieves cant: REPO means overnight payday loans from the Federal Reserve that our Financial Wizards payback...

....every day.

At a very different rate than the rest of us of course

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The military being purged - yes, but our entire government is driving out sanity having got rid of talent--- so yes, but not in isolation-

“Instead, it (military) is being turned into federalized quasi-policing force -- and likely for future use against dissenting American citizens” - NO.

that’s not happening and is unlikely.

What is likely is it melts away , it is melting away already, just as the Iraqi and Afghans did.

The military recruits generationally from military families. That’s 80%. That’s slipping significantly. That generational military is very strong on honor and the Constitution. The National Guard had its trust abused over January 6th and its not likely to work twice. Moreover the NG veterans and the NG leadership avoided that mission like the plague and sent their soldiers without ammo.

Worst mistake of all was letting soldiers from all the states encounter and interact with the insectoid creatures of DC. They’re very nasty and also visibly frightened in person.


Summary; The government you fear has no army, for good or ill.

On Jan 6 the Gov found out they didn’t have DOD, they didn’t even have the DC national guard who’s place it is to defend DC. Moreover the Capitol Military District exists in a ring of a dozen active duty bases with thousands of regular military exactly to defend the Capitol.

Where were they?

Why the reach out to Democratic State* Governors with thousands of troops at hand?

*NY, NJ, MD, VA.

Nothing has actually improved, just degenerated further.

Don’t fear us.

Fear us remaining inert.

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I know Solzhenitsyn said that the line between good and evil runs through the middle of every human heart; so I take that to mean that these folks who pushed the vaxx mandates are not human, because there is no dividing line between good and evil in their hearts; they are 100% evil psychopathic demons who deserve Nuremberg hearings followed by public execution. Keep getting the word out and fighting the good fight, Grant.

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Sneaked a peek at a clock: 'tis nitpicking time 😇

The 'middle' thingy appears of your own invention; the adroit navigator of horrendous archipelago even bothered to elaborate further:

🗨 This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained.

PS Hardly anything is black/white binary in human affairs. Including gender, as we all have come to know by now 😏

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I got this notification and I thought it was in response the the essay and I was SUPER confused! I tend to agree, my anger would dissipate in an instant if confronted by true contrition, which I think most are capable of should they allow themselves to be open to that path.

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😂 In response to the essay: 💯🔥

Now that every trace of confusion has been wiped clean, my heartfelt greetings to your based anger! Overzealous righteous indignation gone agog stirs up uneasy feelz, in whatever flavour it might come 🥹

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I greatly appreciate those of you in the military who cared about the DMED story being told correctly. I'm glad Macie has taken the torch, but isn't it interesting how The Epoch Times seems completely disinterested in bridging the gap in their reporting between the "Battle of the DMED Psyops" and final adjustments to reality?

The good guys are out there. But the two or three media hydra heads won't let any one of them get too accomplished.

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I just think that the vast majority of people just don't have the numeracy to understand even basic stats. Media wants a narrative, and the true issues of stats become like a black box where most essentially just pick someone to trust. This is why your math education methods need to be mainstreamed post-haste!

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The kind of analysis the mainstream media is utterly incapable of. Thank you. Oh, and "establishment-fellating goons" made my day.

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Haha! Thanks, I was channeling my inner Chris Bray there.

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Beautifully written, Grant, thank you. You added some much needed light - with a very logically laid out narrative - as to why the DeathVaxx could never be, by design limitations, "safe and effective."

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On thread; you’ll know the vaccine maneuver and medical warfare is finished when DC has trials and convictions, they always betray their instruments, in the modern age by Law and Trials. Then the Media shall interview the bereaved asking if they feel vindicated and that justice was done... “The System Worked” ... hence the labors of Grant here...


>Every Trial is a Show Trial<

That’s something most people and sadly our host never get, never understand no matter how many times it happens.

Every Trial is a Show Trial, a ritual to uphold the system that failed to begin with IF it wasn’t in on the Crime. The only honest trial is trial by arms, the only honest politics drives out by force the entire government and perhaps ruling class.

That is why soldiers exist GS



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That's not what I'm getting at. The first Nuremberg happened alongside Operation Paperclip. I have little doubt that a 2.0 would be such a show trial. Have you ever seen me calling for Nuremberg 2.0 like some others? No, and you won't see it from me because I do understand this.

I can't help but notice how completely postmodern your framing is. Trial by arms is an excellent reality test, but it still comes up short. Sometimes the devil wins the battle. Nature or God will win the war just as certainly as the house always wins. This is something I have faith of, but there is quite a bit of empirical support for it as well. There will be no end to the conflict, no end to history though. As long as there are human beings there will be those who chose deliberately or implicitly to engage with their fellow man in hypocrisy, taking what they want and/or need out of the hides of the innocent. These types currently dominate the systems you speak of. If this is ever changed, it will always be temporary as power attracts these types the way shit attracts flies, and the seductive allure of carceral power can never be extinguished in the hearts of men. We wouldn't be who we are without that desire, and we wouldn't be able to claim virtue for resisting it if it didn't require discipline and wisdom to keep it in check.

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We agree on some matters.

Disagree on course-

There’s only 2 choices left;

1. Submission.

2. Fight.

Submission is the human default and let me counter Plan God saves us with the examples of Asia, Africa and indeed much or most of European and even part of American history- to even think the way you write outside of the Western context of the last 2500 years is literally unthinkable.

China has had some form of bureaucratic tyranny for 2000 years or more.

India has the caste system.

Even Europe had none of these bizarre ideas about self government until the 1st millennia BC.

That all men are created equal is such a bizarre idea it could have only happened in the West.

What you think of as temporary aberration is the human norm.

It is we who are aberrations and we are being normalized into the default condition of tyranny and slavery and degradation.

If we are all God’s children and good always (magically) wins explain to me the history of man outside the West forever, explain Asia and Africa and explain the various tyrannies of the West. God for example did not win in 1945, nor 1989, war and ruthless statecraft won.

2. Fight; at the worst we’ll get a better deal. We may include family or group members, we who fall die for something. This too is the history of man.

The Germans and the Japanese still exist because they earned respect even if conquered. They earned it going down fighting.

Hardly unique; the Irish would have long gone the way of the Picts of Scotland except the British saw their value.

By 1944-45 the Waffen SS is successfully petitioning Himmler (!!!) to allow their Slavic comrades full rights and status, this isn’t because Himmler found God 🤣. They fought their way up.

God will get it is lazy, shirking and delusional, and it never happened. For good reason Islam made shirk a mortal sin. -Beware- Christianity never offered justice in this world, it provides a mechanism to endure suffering here in exchange for paradise after life.

We exist to fight, even the Chaplains Corps supports our fight... prithee Sir ; Fall In.



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The Ukraine war is ending, you know because military tribunals only happens when the deployments or wars over … 🤣 the Article 15s happen at the end when the cowards have no need of you and wish to assert power. Every time.

Zelensky replacing heads of military recruitment centers over corruption allegations | The Hill


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Interesting take...

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🤣 oh so true, at the end of deployments the fobbits flex Article 15s to show dominance 🤣

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As long as the government, media, higher ed. the medical industry, the military, intelligence, Phizer et al exist, I presume they will continue to act like they saved the world from Covid. Most regular folk don't want to talk about it, wishing to pretend it is all behind us. I imagine our betters are now emboldened such that they will put the covid-like breaks on whenever they feel threatened - such as the next election.

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Oh sorry I’m late cough ouch

I’m taking Dr Jon Stewart’s advice and filed for the PACT ACT

And in all honesty and fairness

I’m not hooked up to a respirator but whatever was there I damn sure was breathing it lol

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