A good read. NAP, how to obtain it to achieve positive liberty and keep negative liberty is the goal, I think you are saying.

This is easy for us. If we follow the Perfect Pattern as it was given to us to live in this world, then we would not come as a force, and all life would flow positively. JeSus gave us that Perfect Pattern by showing us how to live. He lived by the Laws of God which He reduced to two, Loving God and our Brethren; He sought understanding and taught understanding, sharing His "talents" as He went; He cast out the Seven deadly sins of fear, hate, shame, greed, lust, guilt and prejudice and polished His soul; and He always followed the Will of His Father in Heaven. God sees Time as all one, sees into the hearts of men, and has the Reason of Things to know what we are to do. Evil is just good done at the wrong time, at the wrong place and by the wrong person. We don't have that vantage point. To do otherwise is to partake of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

I am not a religionist, don't read the Bible much, but I do know that God is real and He is here to help us if we turn to Him before all else.

Osayo Kitamura was a Japanese woman who had God in her body, as she liked to say, and "they" helped the demoralized Japanese people after WWII. My mentor walked with God all of His days and warned of the coming Oligarchy, which is here now taking away our negative liberties and confiscating all the positive liberties for only themselves. It is possible to change this, but there is Only Way we will get into the future God wants for us, and it with God showing us the way.

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You mention the seven deadly sins, for maximizing positive liberty through voluntary means don't forget about the seven heavenly virtues! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_virtues Full disclosure, I'm not traditionally religious. I've tried to make the case that you don't have to be Christian to be American here: https://radicalamerican.substack.com/p/god-and-country I don't know that Christians find it particularly persuasive, but that was one of my hopes in writing it. Given your comments here I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!

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Thank you for the understanding of virtues, both heavenly and capital; I had never seen these listed as such, except for faith, hope and charity, charity being love. Perhaps the two listed virtues are in opposition to the Seven Deadly Sins, and this would make half of a strong structure in God’s world, though I do not know what would oppose it. We have the understanding that the Seven Languages, the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, and the Seven Deadly Sins also make a similar structure, Two positives, one negative, but again I have yet to discover how it is opposed. Males are two positives, and a negative for opposition; females are two negatives, with a positive for opposition. Together they make a somata, the building block of life, what our scientists call a quark. The strength of any nation is built on the strength of the family, which is why “they” try to destroy the family at every turn. This understanding is in The Golden Reed by Delamer Duverus.

In regard to your post “God and Country”, the missing key is the understanding of conscience. An atheist who has a conscience and listens and works with it is lightyears ahead of a religionist who insists on going to war following the pattern of Joshua as he heard the voice of Jehovah leading him to slaughter many peoples. Joshua was a blood-thirsty beast and according to Gnostic understanding, Jehovah is a lesser god of war and destruction, Satan, in other words, what we call the Alien Mind. Many call it a mind parasite, the wetiko. It was President George Bush who was being watched by a remote viewer when he was calling for war with Iraq in 2003. The remote viewer saw an entity, demon, surrounding the head of Bush and speaking for him. The remote viewer called it an “Armageddon Entity.” Demons are part of the Alien Mind.

Our conscience is our Speciel Mind’s counseling of us and is, therefore, our connection to God. The Speciel Mind is given by God. Each sort of animal has their own Speciel Mind, which we see more clearly in them as instinct, and which governs their behaviors and their genetics, what genes get expressed and which do not. Humanity was given a mind with which to reason, the ability for language, dexterity of hand, and considerable free will and we can add and subtract from the strength of our Speciel Mind by how we think, by how much we let ourselves be influenced either God or the Alien Mind. The maggots know how to separate us from our conscience and this is happening in our world presently.

Osayo Kitamura did not preach about JeSus, just God. She often scolded those who thought they could just believe in Him and get to heaven. “Polish you soul” and “Be the most useful person to your nation” were two of her teachings which come to mind now.

The Holy Trinity

Father – Son – Holy Ghost

We see it as

Reason – Identification - Concatenation

We must Identify with the Son (God)(The Perfect Pattern), in order to get to the Father or the Reason of Things and to God’s guidance, so that what we do will Concatenate and flow with the Love of the Universe.

John 16:7-8, 13

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The fourth, but unstated, aspect of this interesting theory is Availability of Resources. 1. Positive Freedom to do what you want given the resources available to you. 2. Negative Freedom from interference in doing what you want with the resources available to you. 3. Non-aggression principle implicit in agreements to not steal other’s resources, or allow your use of resources to interfere or impair other’s use of their resources.

Early American freedom took availability of many unlimited resources for granted. Increasingly scarce resources leads to cognitive dissonance about encroaching limitations of both positive and negative freedoms, resulting in increasing willingness to abrogate the non-aggression principle in favor of increased positive freedom such as resource acquisition, and increases in negative freedom for some select group.

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Jul 31, 2022
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You are way too friggin' kind! Oooh, this Cactus fella's stuff looks like it is right up my ally. At first glance I see something about optimism, looks on point. I'm a little wary of debates because of how polarizing they are. Its been a long time since I've argued with anyone in earnest, I've always enjoyed it but I tend to hurt peoples feelings which I don't enjoy... Perhaps this is something that I could fix with some time and attention. Thanks for the advice!

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