I keep repeating it Washington DC and Wall Street have become a country all their own, occupying, colonizing America. The single greatest threat to America in the world is not Russia, China, Iran, it is DC and Wall Street.

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Framing national strategy in terms of maintaining the international rules based order removes options for dealing with competition with countries that have different values, which is another downside of locking into this frame by dismissing other perspectives as enemy narratives. The thing is, I don't know that Russian values are so different, almost feels like parts of the security establishment are operating like its still the USSR. I think there is probably greater potential for cooperation between nationalist countries that are candid about their interests so that win-win scenarios can be orchestrated. I could be wrong but I'd rather someone try to convince me than pretend these perspectives don't exist or are inherently illegitimate.

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Check Taibbi latest articles. It doesn’t just feel like we’re treating Russia like the USSR, that has been the plan all along.

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Actas Non Verbas.

Free speech no longer enemy main effort, ballot fraud is main effort, also where the talent and focus of Actions placed.

The process is automated voter registration (AVR) ➡️ NGOS filling out ballots ➡️ + Electronic voting “adjudication” 🟰Victory.

There’s hundreds of NGOS doing this, in 20-21 my ARNG unit had soldiers guarding the voting warehouses, er polling stations back room, in at least one case an E4 who saw a stack of ballots being tossed asked what the NGO creature was doing, the NGO-thing silently put them back. This was documented on the E4s annual evaluation under positive and praiseworthy.

…. I can go on…

The enemy main effort is securing electoral legitimacy.

Free speech Raiding- because that’s all it is- raiding is a diversion from main effort.

Action not words.


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I would say that free speech is always and everywhere a supporting effort for truth and wisdom to prevail. The main effort will depend on your particular values. To your point though, one of the key topics that was suppressed in conjunction with the MDM framework was discussion of election fortification. They went so far as to "inoculate" people against considering what you're talking about by promoting and debunking ridiculous straw man arguments (e.g. Sidney Powell). To see them unashamedly promote influencing people by using logical fallacy says a lot about the character of those involved.

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What about the main effort?

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Sep 1Liked by Grant Smith

You are correct in placing election theft ahead of information control. However, election theft doesn’t work, at least in the US without information control. This explains why Biden and Harris can win while campaigning from the basement. The regime needs information control (e.g., polling, fake interviews, media fawning, etc., ) to make the race look close so the theft “makes sense” or at least “explainable.” Or else, it’s “not explainable” and then they have other problems.

Harris doesn’t need to be a candidate who can realistically win a fair election. She only needs to appear capable of “being close in the polls.” Only the Regime’s information control gives her that possibility. Election theft takes can of the rest.

The regime is not sure the vote for Trump will be too big to steal. Thus, lawfare and assasination is still in play. And, as this post beautifully illustrated, the powers behind this evil have convinced themselves rigged judges and murder are okay... after all, Trump is a “threat actor”- a threat to their new definition of democracy.

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Thanks Whip OC - but it did work.

The information was there at 0300 AM. Information is naught.

Everyone knew.

CNN gaped at the screen.

It took months to coordinate the official story.

Voting is over.

Because there was no action, except the fizzle of Trump on January 6. Maybe getting arrested and shot woke him up.

Our best hope is they overreached after, still are and seem to be past exhaustion into dissolution. No follow up by their opponents is likely. What is likely is a power struggle by other unknown parties who whatever their faults will be ruthless, competent, fighters and probably not inclined towards raping children or the genocide of the whites. Probably.

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"we can’t afford to suffer delusional midwits interfering with our ability to communicate" because "We indeed face complex challenges as a nation, and yes, globally, but the idea that the best ideas to face these challenges are already known and reside in the minds of an elite that has amassed a dizzying track record of failure is hubristic nonsense."

Bingo. Nailed it.

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Apparently we CAN afford it…

But good news…

The regime appears to be quietly deserting their positions.

Go and try and find one at the office. Literally, physically.

Sometimes strife with people with absolutely no beliefs seeking above all to avoid convictions has advantages.

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Yes. That was a tour de force epic sentence

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You wrote:

“We do have a chance at a better future, but that chance is entirely dependent on the incompetocracy getting out of the way to allow us to pursue the truly creative and innovative solutions that will be required to get us there.”

It very much appears that the “incompetocracy” will have to be moved out of the way.


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I think many have been subtly manipulated by this type of framing that inverts fundamental American values. Most people aren't too philosophical. They don't think much about the Constitution and how it relates to what we do day to day. The hundreds of millions of dollars invested into DEI programs in the federal workforce could be redirected towards training that educates the federal workforce on the Constitution and encourages them to reflect on how the only justification for their paycheck is support and defense of those values. Of course there are activists who understand the game and have outright contempt for the Constitution and the version of America that it outlines (see John Carter's latest for a painful example of this), or at the very least see it as antiquated and unworthy of their allegiance. These people do need to be removed from the workforce because they're spiritually opposed to the shared purpose we need to achieve the level of effectiveness required to overcome the challenges we face as a nation. This would require legislation to overcome OPM's opposition to Schedule F to allow federal employees to be terminated more easily.

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Benz appears to have the clearest vision of what is really transpiring (at least on that level of events) of anyone I've seen.

However- nothing will change until blood is shed. The idea that that we can "wrest back control" through the very same corrupt institutions that stole it, is ridiculous on it's face. It's the "Vote Harder!" meme, set to music.

As the saying goes, we may have voted our way into this trap, but we will have to fight our way out of it!

However, take solace: Totalitarianism NEVER works, and it NEVER lasts. It always loses, and it will lose this time as well. It's just going to be "messy", as it almost always is. Hell, even the Soviet Union died with a whimper.

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If you mean blood shedding metaphorically, then sure. If literally, I disagree. Accountability is essential, but there are many ways to get accountability.

There are a lot of people trying to work out ways to effectively fight back in a manner that is legal, moral, and ethical. Kash Patel advances the idea of simply revoking security clearances for members of the ruling class who have used their positions improperly for personal gain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjWCnh42Sc4

Ivan Raiklin advances methods that are considerably more aggressive, but again, the focus is on ensuring all actions are legal, moral, and ethical. If you don't ensure that then you lose legitimacy in a spiritual sense, and likely in a practical sense as well. Here's a good video of Ivan explaining his background and position to contrast with Patel: https://rumble.com/v5cuim9-from-jan.-6-to-butler-pennsylvania-and-beyond-live-with-ivan-raiklin-viva-f.html

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I just found this post today, and reading the comments, I have one question.

First I shall quote your reply to Myriad Mike:

"If you mean blood shedding metaphorically, then sure. If literally, I disagree. "

I dare you to find any historical record of a people under tyranny who regained any liberty without bloodshed.

All the Liberty my great grandparents enjoyed were paid for in blood.

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Sep 2Liked by Grant Smith

I think you are being much too timid. Populism and nationalism are the only things standing between us and global tyranny.....if you go back to ww1 and 2, through club of Rome, bildenburg, etc...you will see nationalism was blamed for everything..when the reality was the ruling elite with cousins in every country ruling, made hideous supra nation agreements..l8ke nato does.

In addition there are 2 deeply held beliefs by our betters one of which has percolated down to ordinary people. The first is the belief there are too many people we reproduce like rabbits and not enough resources so something must be done.

The second is that you need to halt growth all over the world in proportion to resources used so therefore you must have global governance..

Global governance goes hand in hand with depopulation. And when you look at the past 50 years..the league of nations, the un, etc have Contributed to wars....and their WHO organization turned into the depopulation strike force.

What you have 3xplained so well..is how the hell the elites with these beliefs took 9ver our federal govt and their institutions...

How do we unbrainwash the elites?

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Good point. Ironically enough, I think populism and nationalism are better suited to deal with "limits to growth" than global governance as well.

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Sep 2Liked by Grant Smith

Totally agree. The smaller the more local..the better.

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"How do we unbrainwash the elites?"

Possibly we could, if they really believed what they say. But if their 'beliefs' are tendentious lies, then no amount of disabusing will change them.

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almost certainly a mix of both, its why I like to differentiate between hypocrisy and delusion when evaluating character

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"...differentiate between hypocrisy and delusion..."

How do you tell the difference?

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When in a debate and you see maliciousness in their expression, it is probably hypocrisy. Deluded people will look kind of "fogged over".

On the other hand, it is probably best to not get into a debate with an elite.

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"... it is probably best to not get into a debate with an elite."

Truly excellent advice!

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One of the main reasons I voted for Brexit was the simple fact that a team is only strong if the individuals are also strong. Which means maintenance of oneself or one’s country to a sufficiently independent level allowing successful cooperation. The fact that the EU was consuming state functions and the UK was all too willing (and still is) to Just-In-Time its legal and national identity framework was enough for me.

Each soldier in a unit needs to look after himself to be useful. Right down to maintaining your teeth and nails.

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Thank you for sharing that. This is something that is consistently missed by collectivists. Individual responsibility and agency is the foundation of effective teams. Where government is involved, pushing that agency down to the lowest possible level is another way to leverage this principle, which I believe explains the success of our federalism in the US prior to the federal government taking over way too many functions with the power of fiat money (conditional grants are an example).

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Sep 1Liked by Grant Smith

Beautifully written and illuminating post. Am saving for future reference.

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Thanks brother!

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All true. Actas non Verbas.

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No nation is better positioned to succeed in this competition than the United States, as long as we work in common cause with those who share our vision of a world that is free, open, secure, and prosperous.

But, as long as we censor speech and threaten to jail people for speaking out, we aren't free, open, or secure.

By their very nature, these challenges require governments to cooperate if they are to solve them. But we must be clear-eyed that we will have to tackle these challenges within a competitive international environment where heightening geopolitical competition, nationalism and populism render this cooperation even more difficult and will require us to think and act in new ways.

How? If you closed the borders and enforced the laws already on the books, people might cooperate with requests. But as long as one group gets to march in mass, while another group doesn't, this fosters a sense of unfairness that causes problems.

A homogenous group of people, who aren't facing balkanization might cooperate a lot easer if they feel secure, which nobody today feels. Every time the Security apparatichiks start moving, I start watching them, wondering who they are going to attack next.

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Athenians never consider elections as “democratic”. They always saw it as oligarchic trick in which the rich elite masks their power through sponsorship of candidates. To counter it, they used lottery, term limits, and giving the right to any citizen to bring criminal charges against any official without needing a DA. Another rule that the loser must pay the entire court costs if he couldn’t carry more than 20% of the large jury helped to avoid waste of everyone’s time. Roman Senate like elections. This should tell us something.

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Of course “they” want revolution. It’s mass violence, bloodshed and suffering. They’re Satanists. Death is their JAM.

Not their own death, of course.

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