An abhorrent distortion of reality has gripped the minds of the many. Managerial liberalism is the proximate cause of many such distortions, but I will confine this essay to the discussion of one of the most pernicious, namely, the idea that weakness is virtuous.
Weakness is a Vice
Looking at the American Heritage Dictionary we can see the following two definitions of the word “vice”:
A practice or habit considered to be evil, degrading, or immoral.
Wicked or depraved conduct or habits; corruption.
To add precision let me say that a practice or conduct that promotes or corresponds to weakness is a vice. Why? Because weakness obligates others to care for you. In the vein of Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments, the bulk of the human population sees pain and weakness, and they can sense it themselves. This noble aspect of human nature serves to connect us and facilitate comraderie and cooperation, but in the postmodern globohomo West, this noble nature is being exploited.
The Distortion of Virtue
Managerial liberalism and its raison d'être of supporting the oppressed (read: weak) is ordained to incentivize individuals to telegraph their weakness in their pleas for support. Whoever can demonstrate that they are the most pitiful demands the most respect and attention. After all, what better way to console someone who is weak and oppressed than to commisserate. It is, in fact critical that we do so if we hope to build connection with our fellow man. We have little tolerance as a species for those who brush off our hardships as trivial. Is there any way to escape this trap? If it is inappropriate and ineffective for us to tell our fellow man to quit whining and pursue strength over weakness, how are we ever to escape what seems to be an ever accelerating race to plumb the depths of human frailty?
Strength is Virtuous
All we can really do is lead by example. The first thing to do is pursue strength yourself. I’m talking across the full spectrum. Spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical strength. How isn’t so straigthforward, but recognizing that strength is good and that you want to be strong in these ways is a critical first step. Telling someone to quit being weak is often cruel and rarely effective. All we can do is empathize and help guide those we care about to pursue strength recognizing that it is the only thing that will allow individuals to fulfill their destiny.
Virtue is Impossible Without Strength
Doing the right thing when it is easy isn’t particularly virutous. Doing the right thing when it is hard requires strength. Those who lack it will make all kinds of excuses. They don’t need to make excuses, the fact is that they are simply weak. This is not a permanent state of affairs, and it is unjust to castigate someone for weakness.1 Everyone can become stronger. Strength is not a zero sum game, as human beings become stronger, the whole of the world rejoices at the prospect that more people will be able to effectively pursue their subjective purpose and bring meaning into the world.
Why This Matters
We’re in an existential struggle. To be clear, I’m saying there is a conflict that we are in the midst of where there will be only one victor. The managerial class animated by their defunct ideology of managerial liberalism will either destroy us, or a new populism will emerge triumphant and displace these scientific and moral ignoramuses so that they may be replaced with some other elite animated by some other ideology/ideologies.2 The new populists, or as I now like to call, Solutionists, must not integrate the habit that has become reflexive amonst the managerial class. The habit I speak of is to broadcast weakness to win over the hearts and minds of the masses. For the most part, Solutionists are not weak, they are strong. If they are weak, they aren't begging others for help, they are working on getting stronger. The stronger you are, the more potential solutions become feasible.
Shifting the Media Paradigm
The reflex to use old tactics of appealing to emotion and begging for sympathy is not the optimal path for Solutionists to take. The types of people that can be influenced by this type of appeal will be instantaneosly won back by the managerial class at their discretion. Any number of narratives can be woven to woo such an audience, and with direct access to a printing press3, there is no amount of truth that can win the day if this is the framing you stipulate to.
Application to the Military Spiritual Reform Movement
The article that I wrote calling for a candid conversation of the spiritual crisis within the military has failed to spark any meaningful conversation. The motivation for this article is the simple realization as to why: The vast majority of those within the military who share my concerns are weak. There are many who don’t share my concerns as well, to be sure. These scientific and/or moral ignoramuses are not really my concern, what with their overarching loyalty to a transnational Globalist American Empire over the constitution. No, I am concerned about those who are committed to supporting and defending the constitution, but are afraid to say so. They are afraid because they are weak. The solution is simply for them to become strong. I hope to do what I can to facilitate this, but I do think it will be quite a challenge. The cultural subversion that managerial liberalism has been able to accomplish in kneecapping the warrior ethos and the notion that strength is a virtue is astounding in its ubiquity. We will never get out of this mess if we remain afraid to speak our minds. As Drs. Gerras and Wong noted in “Lying to Ourselves” in 2015:
“Until a candid exchange begins within the Army that includes recognition of the rampant duplicity, the current culture will not improve.”
They were right on. COVID mania has only accelerated this trend to the point where most people aren’t even able to lie to themselves convincingly enough to manage the cognitive dissonance and are leaving in record numbers. The organization will not survive ongoing attempts to internalize victim-hood and oppression as virtuous, nor will society at large in its current formation.
Out of Time
The bulk of the human population is being dragged under the waves by globohomo moral and scientific ignoramuses. Our only hope not to drown is to seek to understand, and speak our minds as to our understanding. We will very quickly lose the ability to speak soon should this elevation of weakness over strength not be reversed. The Alex Jones verdict is a harbinger of what globohomo has in store for you. Show trials to impoverish anyone who dares to say anything that may hurt the feelings of anyone deemed to be a victim4. Not only does this have a chilling effect on speech, it incentivizes self-sabotaging behavior tailored to garner sympathy and the accompanying social leverage. If it continues, the whole of human society will devolve into a writhing, incompetent mess. Perhaps that is the point as such a mess will be much easier for a scientific-technocratic elite to control. Even if you're too weak to speak your mind now, there is a way ahead. Focus on becoming strong. You will need this strength to speak your mind, and your voice will be needed if the mass of the human population is to slip the noose of tyranny rapidly tightening around our necks.
Although I argue that it is entirely appropriate to castigate anyone who promotes weakness as if it is a good thing.
A populist victory will result in a multi-polar world. Ideological homogeneity of the worlds elite is the end state of a decisive globohomo victory.
I’m talking about the Federal Reserve
or indeed anyone who even knows someone who is a victim, such as the FBI agent that was a plaintiff in the case
You hit on a point that is the source of much personal bitterness and requires (these days) daily self-monitoring to remain as patient as possible with people who are afraid to speak their minds for fear of losing their jobs, their connections, their affection from others, whatever. If I were you or others like you who have made a great effort to "walk the walk" despite these risks, I'd be batting frustration away constantly. May as well say, "Thanks for bleeding on the battlefield. Regretfully I cannot join, I have things I would be risking if I did." What ought to scare those people more than the prospect of dying as cowards is the inevitability of living as slaves if they don't change course. Like Robert the Bruce in Braveheart who said, "I respect what you said, but remember that these men have lands and castles. It's much to risk." Then good ol' Mel says, "And the common man, who bleeds on the battlefield, does he risk less?" I do believe most of these people who nod their affirmations in private feel similarly to Robert the Bruce, which does lighten my mood about them. After all, in the end, the same character notably, and very bittersweetly said, "I do not want to lose heart. I want to live as he does. I will never be on the wrong side again." I suppose the question that keeps gnawing at me (and the question I admittedly ask myself in moments of weakness) is, "what are you waiting for?"
Not to say I have no understanding of the challenges of this struggle or compassion for the sacrifices required to do the right thing, or the ability to relate to people who have few options for making a living should they lose their jobs over speaking their minds. I do. It's just so disheartening knowing that although they have been able to justify many of the bullshit rules imposed during the past couple of years especially, eventually there will be something they do not want to give up - their "hill to die on" so to speak. When that time comes, perhaps it will be too late. There is momentum now. I have to think (if not because it seems logical then to serve my own strength adaptations) that it just takes a critical mass of people all speaking up now (non-violently, legally, peacefully) for this to end gloriously. I have no tattoos, but this made me want to get one on my forehead that says "Then Die" - a reference to what Bruce Lee once told his student when the student was so fatigued during a run that he said he might die if he continued on. Lee said these words to him (then die) and the student became so angry and distracted by his own thoughts in response that he finished the run without difficulty. In the pursuit of meaning, purpose, excellence, perfection, freedom, if you feel you might die...then die. As the brilliant John Cater put it, "safety last."
I entirely agree.
One of Jordan Peterson's quotes that resonated with me is "There's nothing so ugly as a 40 year old baby", perfectly true. The case of "Chrischan" has proven that.
For those of you unaware of Chrischan (you're lucky) you may wish to aquatint yourselves with it. Be warned it's a nasty and deep rabbit hole, but it's also a terrible and terribly true story of pathological weakness.
Christian/Christine Chandler was a weak man of low intelligence deeply soaked in a corrupt culture that made him even weaker. Although he's not technically dead yet he has now meet a true shameful end.
It's a lesson for us all.