There seems a deficit in what it means to be a universalist American. With so much political and media propaganda seeking to divide us, it would be good I think to work out some core values of what it is to be American, and articulate that each in our own way. Because America is the one place that stands in the way of Globohomo exterminating the myriad cattle of the world.
Exactly. One of the more difficult tasks is making it clear that America and Globohomo are not only not the same, but existential enemies. Lumping in America with the contemptible Globalist American Empire would be a tragic mistake, and I see it done all to often.
Agreed. I don't use the term "moral community" much myself, but I think your use is apt. The woke left has definitely slipped into "if you aren't with us you are against us, and since we are good you are therefore inherently evil and should be destroyed" territory. It is important to not make that mistake, while at the same time understanding that there is behavior that deserves punishment and simply can not be passed off as just different.
Yeah, I think we all get a sense of the impotence of reflections that "love conquers all" and "live and let live." There are people who don't love and won't let live that must be addressed. Failure to do so is an affront to human nature and ineffective if you desire widespread human flourishing and social harmony (and I think there is a bidirectional relationship between those things).
A friend emailed this, posted here with their permission:
I think most people just don’t know enough about what they think or feel in general. Meaning, it is easier to be told what to feel and think as opposed to taking the leap of psychological wherewithal and reasoning through the hoopla that has just been presented to him/her…
I myself am a man of simple beliefs… not quite a man of more platitudes, but simple none the less. I am a Republic minded man… no to be confused with being a Republican. No, a man who simply believes in one man one vote… a vote that should help support the Rule of law which is brought about by that one vote… Voting for Legislators that will enact legislation that supports the ability to purse happiness, liberty, and a life lived to the fullest extent, but maintained within the parameters of the established laws brought to fruition through the Republic minded citizenry that supports the principle of a Republic that fosters Democracy… meaning… the Freedoms granted within the Constitution and the Bill of Rights… that protect the individual from the rule of “a Democracy” which fosters Mob Rules… so if you are in a minority, you had better get in line or you will be locked away… almost like the Dave Matthews Song.
The Fundamental components of Americanism are simple… That doesn’t mean it’s fair or all men and women are born with the same support systems… like family… a mom and a dad, a core family that stands above the state or federal support systems. Without the Core Family Support system, one is almost guaranteed to fail… I was taught to work hard… earn what you work for through hard work! If you don’t like the kind or work your are doing, well then find another type of work more fit to your liking… doesn’t mean it is going to be easy, most often it is almost impossible to achieve… but please note that I said “Almost Impossible to Achieve” I used the US Army as a means to an end… was not easy… but it made my goal of completing University Possible… other forms of stepping stones are available to those who choose to work hard for what they want out of life… Life isn’t responsible to us… we are Responsible to Life… our ability to make a choice makes us responsible to life. So, make a responsible choice and get off the front porch and start moving in the direction that you want your life to be going. Without the Core Family Support Group that isn’t easy… this I well know… even with the US Army I still have had the need of support from my Core Family Support Group at various times in my life.
Now, I have a little story I like to tell, here it goes; I DIDN’T GET TO RAISE MY HAND AND INFORM THE BIG GUY UPSTAIRS THAT I HAD A FEW PARAMETERS THAT NEEDED TO BE MET BEFORE I WAS SQUEEZED OUT INTO THE COSMOS WE CALL EARTH… LIKE, HEY, I WANT TO BE BORN WHITE, RICH, IN AMERICA, IN THE MIDWEST, AND HANDSOME, AND, AND, AND… Nobody did… so we were all born with what we have, and what we have is what we have to deal with… once again, without a Core Family Support Group we start behind the power-curve… but that lack of a Core Family Support Group isn’t my fault, and it isn’t your fault… it is the fault of the ones whole made bad choices that led to you not having that elementally important Core Family Support Group that could have provided you with support and nurturing that is paramount to success in this mean old world of ours.
We can blame our life on all kinds of issues and courses of action… whether it be Religion, Politics, Economics, Race, World Views, even being a Universalist… but it all comes down to this… without a Core Family Support Group to teach us, guide us, nurture us, and allow us to explore our world around us we will not be prepared to make the sort of Choices that will one day either lead us into successful lines of existence… meaning choosing a line of work/career in which to experience the fullest life we can considering from where we came from, starting out with what we had, and applying a mindset that would allow us to make the choices that would set us on a path to success… meaning, the Pursuit of “Life, Liberty, and Happiness” the American Dream… only found in America!
America is a Land of Individuals that have chosen to live together in a Republic, fostered and guided by the belief and understanding that Freedom is not Free… but in order to maintain the form of Freedom we have achieved as Americans we must adhere to the principle of One man, one Vote, Elected Officials that enact Legislation on the behalf of the “Voting Citizenry ” allowing them to live in safety, in an environment that is conducive and supports of an Open Market Economy that benefits everyone… maybe not exactly like everyone… but everyone must benefit from the economic possibilities that exist within the parameters of the Republic, where all men are created equal… to whatever extent equal means… but at least the conditions are available to hard working individuals that make choices that are responsible to the life they have been born into… ultimately allowing him/her to reach a level of existence that is acceptable too them.
That road to existence is only available in a Republic like the United States of American… the UK, or Germany, or France, of any of the other like-minded Republics that embrace the one man, one vote Principle, the elected official’s principle, the enactment of legislation that protects all from crimes of all sorts… allows an economy to grow and prosper… and that is only found in a Republic that embraces an Open Market Economy… plus the whole One Man, One Vote Principle, and, and, and…
So, in closing I will end with this… Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Partake in the Republic we call America… support the One Man, One Vote Principle of Governance… hold the elected officials to the task of enacting commonsense Legislation that’s fair, that supports the Open Market Economy, legislation that protects all members of Society against criminals, pay the taxes that support Public Education… taxes that develop and maintain the common infrastructure… roads, water, electricity, waste disposal… and, and, and…
Lastly, be an individual that appreciates the importance of the Core Family Support Group… Nurture your offspring, guide you family at the core, and to include the extended members of your family… do this and our Republic has a chance to with-stand the test of time… continuing to support the ability to Pursue, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
The prior I'm operating under is that the people who want to see us dead are a small minority of the overall population, and that this small minority is sequestered in particular highly dense regions primarily on the coasts. They are people, and Americanism demands they be given due consideration. Some of them can be won over, the ones that can't do need to be subjugated, but only because, as you said, they would kill us if they could. I don't think we will be successful if we abandon the high ground, which is why I will keep it. I don't know your objectives so I can't really say if it is a sound strategy for you, but it is very powerful. I wouldn't discard it so easily.
There seems a deficit in what it means to be a universalist American. With so much political and media propaganda seeking to divide us, it would be good I think to work out some core values of what it is to be American, and articulate that each in our own way. Because America is the one place that stands in the way of Globohomo exterminating the myriad cattle of the world.
Exactly. One of the more difficult tasks is making it clear that America and Globohomo are not only not the same, but existential enemies. Lumping in America with the contemptible Globalist American Empire would be a tragic mistake, and I see it done all to often.
Agreed. I don't use the term "moral community" much myself, but I think your use is apt. The woke left has definitely slipped into "if you aren't with us you are against us, and since we are good you are therefore inherently evil and should be destroyed" territory. It is important to not make that mistake, while at the same time understanding that there is behavior that deserves punishment and simply can not be passed off as just different.
Yeah, I think we all get a sense of the impotence of reflections that "love conquers all" and "live and let live." There are people who don't love and won't let live that must be addressed. Failure to do so is an affront to human nature and ineffective if you desire widespread human flourishing and social harmony (and I think there is a bidirectional relationship between those things).
A friend emailed this, posted here with their permission:
I think most people just don’t know enough about what they think or feel in general. Meaning, it is easier to be told what to feel and think as opposed to taking the leap of psychological wherewithal and reasoning through the hoopla that has just been presented to him/her…
I myself am a man of simple beliefs… not quite a man of more platitudes, but simple none the less. I am a Republic minded man… no to be confused with being a Republican. No, a man who simply believes in one man one vote… a vote that should help support the Rule of law which is brought about by that one vote… Voting for Legislators that will enact legislation that supports the ability to purse happiness, liberty, and a life lived to the fullest extent, but maintained within the parameters of the established laws brought to fruition through the Republic minded citizenry that supports the principle of a Republic that fosters Democracy… meaning… the Freedoms granted within the Constitution and the Bill of Rights… that protect the individual from the rule of “a Democracy” which fosters Mob Rules… so if you are in a minority, you had better get in line or you will be locked away… almost like the Dave Matthews Song.
The Fundamental components of Americanism are simple… That doesn’t mean it’s fair or all men and women are born with the same support systems… like family… a mom and a dad, a core family that stands above the state or federal support systems. Without the Core Family Support system, one is almost guaranteed to fail… I was taught to work hard… earn what you work for through hard work! If you don’t like the kind or work your are doing, well then find another type of work more fit to your liking… doesn’t mean it is going to be easy, most often it is almost impossible to achieve… but please note that I said “Almost Impossible to Achieve” I used the US Army as a means to an end… was not easy… but it made my goal of completing University Possible… other forms of stepping stones are available to those who choose to work hard for what they want out of life… Life isn’t responsible to us… we are Responsible to Life… our ability to make a choice makes us responsible to life. So, make a responsible choice and get off the front porch and start moving in the direction that you want your life to be going. Without the Core Family Support Group that isn’t easy… this I well know… even with the US Army I still have had the need of support from my Core Family Support Group at various times in my life.
Now, I have a little story I like to tell, here it goes; I DIDN’T GET TO RAISE MY HAND AND INFORM THE BIG GUY UPSTAIRS THAT I HAD A FEW PARAMETERS THAT NEEDED TO BE MET BEFORE I WAS SQUEEZED OUT INTO THE COSMOS WE CALL EARTH… LIKE, HEY, I WANT TO BE BORN WHITE, RICH, IN AMERICA, IN THE MIDWEST, AND HANDSOME, AND, AND, AND… Nobody did… so we were all born with what we have, and what we have is what we have to deal with… once again, without a Core Family Support Group we start behind the power-curve… but that lack of a Core Family Support Group isn’t my fault, and it isn’t your fault… it is the fault of the ones whole made bad choices that led to you not having that elementally important Core Family Support Group that could have provided you with support and nurturing that is paramount to success in this mean old world of ours.
We can blame our life on all kinds of issues and courses of action… whether it be Religion, Politics, Economics, Race, World Views, even being a Universalist… but it all comes down to this… without a Core Family Support Group to teach us, guide us, nurture us, and allow us to explore our world around us we will not be prepared to make the sort of Choices that will one day either lead us into successful lines of existence… meaning choosing a line of work/career in which to experience the fullest life we can considering from where we came from, starting out with what we had, and applying a mindset that would allow us to make the choices that would set us on a path to success… meaning, the Pursuit of “Life, Liberty, and Happiness” the American Dream… only found in America!
America is a Land of Individuals that have chosen to live together in a Republic, fostered and guided by the belief and understanding that Freedom is not Free… but in order to maintain the form of Freedom we have achieved as Americans we must adhere to the principle of One man, one Vote, Elected Officials that enact Legislation on the behalf of the “Voting Citizenry ” allowing them to live in safety, in an environment that is conducive and supports of an Open Market Economy that benefits everyone… maybe not exactly like everyone… but everyone must benefit from the economic possibilities that exist within the parameters of the Republic, where all men are created equal… to whatever extent equal means… but at least the conditions are available to hard working individuals that make choices that are responsible to the life they have been born into… ultimately allowing him/her to reach a level of existence that is acceptable too them.
That road to existence is only available in a Republic like the United States of American… the UK, or Germany, or France, of any of the other like-minded Republics that embrace the one man, one vote Principle, the elected official’s principle, the enactment of legislation that protects all from crimes of all sorts… allows an economy to grow and prosper… and that is only found in a Republic that embraces an Open Market Economy… plus the whole One Man, One Vote Principle, and, and, and…
So, in closing I will end with this… Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Partake in the Republic we call America… support the One Man, One Vote Principle of Governance… hold the elected officials to the task of enacting commonsense Legislation that’s fair, that supports the Open Market Economy, legislation that protects all members of Society against criminals, pay the taxes that support Public Education… taxes that develop and maintain the common infrastructure… roads, water, electricity, waste disposal… and, and, and…
Lastly, be an individual that appreciates the importance of the Core Family Support Group… Nurture your offspring, guide you family at the core, and to include the extended members of your family… do this and our Republic has a chance to with-stand the test of time… continuing to support the ability to Pursue, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
God Bless America!
The prior I'm operating under is that the people who want to see us dead are a small minority of the overall population, and that this small minority is sequestered in particular highly dense regions primarily on the coasts. They are people, and Americanism demands they be given due consideration. Some of them can be won over, the ones that can't do need to be subjugated, but only because, as you said, they would kill us if they could. I don't think we will be successful if we abandon the high ground, which is why I will keep it. I don't know your objectives so I can't really say if it is a sound strategy for you, but it is very powerful. I wouldn't discard it so easily.