It's interesting to note that the change from Life, Liberty, and Property, to Life, Liberty, happiness was in part because of slavery. The founding fathers should have just stuck with LLP, and we'd have been much better off.
Also, we didn't have an income tax until WWII. Before that, corporations and counties built and maintained roads and infrastructure. The Federal Reserve didn't exist until 1913, prior to that the treasury department minted coins and made bills.
There were no property taxes until 1818, and in Texas until around 1979.
Yes, it has been a slow boiling of the frog. Easy now for doom and gloomers to say liberty is impossible, but we had it here for a time. To get it back, we need to understand exactly what has been lost. I can't think of a better way to frame it than by examining property rights and how they have decayed in this incremental manner.
Yes, their rule is ruinous. But their control of mass media allows them to blame all the ruin on 'too much freedom'. When government control causes problems, the only solution is more government control.
So if they cause ruin, it is never blamed on them. For example, we have passed the point where the national debt can be repaid and 'austerity' can right the economic ship. As the economy gets worse, the public will go along with the mass media saying that only more government control can "fix" it.
The ultimate result can only be complete control of the economy by government regulators, which is a so-called "command economy", which is really no economy at all, but rather just government, as they had in the USSR.
It doesn't work though, so it can't be a permanent state of affairs. Also, never underestimate the black swan, that shit happens all the time in complex systems.
Nothing to do but fight it ever step of the way. The ultimate result will look more like collapse than the trans-human dystopia the materialist think is inevitable. But that collapse might be precisely what we need.
It might be irrational, but I refuse to lose hope that Americans will get it together. I refuse to give in to the authoritarian future they demand. This is America, motherfuckers.
The good news is this geriatric train wreck with their fetching supporting cast - DC is just a TV show with ruinously expensive Pay Per View- they will go.
They’re done, its why they’re stealing so fast, throwing all caution to the winds, and staying in office until they die as opposed to dying in prison.
The American people will then discover True Democracy in its manifest glory; 🩸☠️.
I saw the elites current “program” in Iraq and the Iraqis embraced democracy; and the attendant slaughter of each other.
You see - if you introduce democracy into strife amongst an aroused people , you DO get 💯 percent commitment and the total mobilization of the people.
Against each other.
See France 1789, Russia 1917* , Germany Interwar into Hitler (who was a democrat), Afghanistan 03, Iraq, Libya.... we The People will get
For the very first time!
We were a Republic,
And here’s where We The People find out what a Bloodthirsty Bitch Pallas Athena really is... because you see... she’s us.
*In February 1917 French Agents treacherously enticed the Kadets into Revolution against the Tsar, the French plan was to mobilize Russian “democracy” against the Germans, the thinking being the vote would unite the Russian people to fight the Germans.
Overall it did work, it just took 25 years and Stalin’s order 227 rallying the Russian people at the Volga -and Stalin DID do that and not just with fear.
Ludendorff sending Lenin was the German Countercoup. That worked a little too well...
I recently commented on another substack site, only my second comment on his substack, that I would prefer civil war to a CBDC trans-dystopia. By your reckoning it seems we will get that. I have been hoping the Master (right) would subordinate the Emissary (left) without violence. But the Republic must be restored.
By the way who would believe “ideas” now? We drown in ideas, the very universe shall be pulsing with our words for a billion light years, alien intelligences will be mystified by this race of gabbers long after we are gone.
Mises lost, they won. They won because we made the mistake of engaging them with words and paper instead of steel.
There are no deeds without a narrative to rationalize their execution. Thats the point Mises is making with that initial quote and I can't imagine you really disagree.
Mises hasn't lost because the war isn't over yet. Insofar as the enemy currently has the upper hand it is precisely because of the extent to which they control ideas.
They have One Move; Take it, because the Bourgeoisie are too afraid of losing their pathetic little patch - this and not ignorance or a motivating idea is the root of our shameless cowardice.
They have Dominance because THEY TOOK IT WHILE THE REST OF US DEBATED.
They took academia, law, media, finance, the schools, now the children’s innocence and very genitalia because THEY ACT, WE TALK.
Now they mop up by ruining the police and military and throwing open the borders to transients here for the free stuff.
They have One Idea; Power.
Be on top.
The people fall in line- they always did, they always do, they always will- because the enemy wretched as they are do ACT.
I do agree. Ideas matter, but the curse of the Libertarians, especially the Austrians, is they seem quite content to churn out articles and impressive thought pieces.
The Left are altogether more kinetic. They do indeed act. We scowl while they riot. Obviously I am not in favour of riots or other disruptive acts. But they act on the world.
Also the Left have no qualms spouting nonsensical things that appeal to emotion. That works. Most people can't think at all. They want to feel good.
They have top cover, and besides as you note those aren't effective strategies for our side anyway. I don't discount the importance of action, I just believe political action is where effort needs to be applied.
I agree. Direct action, our equivalent of rioting if you will, is not compatible with law and order. Nor is blatant dishonesty. I also believe many of us understand that many problems in society can be solved by meritocracy; all the quota nonsense and the associated competency crisis. There is a political solution to that. Ban quotas.
I think the focus on NAP is mistaken or perhaps just gets into the weeds of dorm room Libertarianism. I'd instead focus on the empowering the individual over the state, the American experiment was designed to see what freedom and liberty could do, if the individual could live and thrive without being a ward of the state. And while it lasted, the experiment worked. America throve like no other nation in history. As much as possible, the power of 'no' should be given to the individual, not 'the people' in a mass but for you and me. The freedom to make your own mistakes and live with those consequences and the freedom to profit from audacity, opportunity and acquired wisdom.
As Heinlein said, and I paraphrase, political labels (communist, democrat, fascist, liberal, conservative) miss the point: there are only two types of people - those who want people to be controlled and those who don't.
Yes, I think Heinlein gets to the heart of the Schmittian divide between those who demand other people be controlled to be satisfied and those who don't. That said, near the center of that line there are people who strongly prefer institutions to have a strong mediating effect on behavior which at first glance might seem coercive, but in reality aren't. Once of the key issues we face is the left blurring who is and isn't innocent. Obvious example is white people. Are we guilty crimes other white people have committed in the past? They say yes. We are not innocent. Even the left frames things in terms of NAP. It is the default morality. When people moralize their self interest, they are almost always explaining how what they do/have done aligns with the NAP. Just because dorm room Libertarians can be annoying doesn't mean we can ignore it. Also, just because it seems so basic as to not be interesting we can't ignore it. There is a lot that goes into who is innocent. If everyone can at least agree on the NAP with the caveat that who is and isn't innocent is complex, it removes room for bad actors in the communication space to manuever via motte and bailey tactics.
Those who want other people to be controlled can't afford to appear willing to aggress against the innocent in order to get what they want. Right now, it appears the dissident right is totally willing to cede this important ground, which is a mistake, because it can't win against the onslaught of bad faith arguments when you reject the NAP and for a moment suggest that "might makes right." That is the only thing the enemy needs, to pain right wingers in this manner. Its one of the two, NAP or might makes right. The Left subscribes to NAP, but twist the underlying definitions. If we don't talk about NAP, we lose it to the left, and it isn't something that we can afford to lose, especially since popular opinion factors into our political system.
"You shall love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."
highlights the words
"AND WITH ALL THY MIGHT" and writes:
"i.e. with all thy property. You have people whose property is dearer to them than their bodies (life), and it is on this account that there is added, “and with all thy property"
It's interesting to note that the change from Life, Liberty, and Property, to Life, Liberty, happiness was in part because of slavery. The founding fathers should have just stuck with LLP, and we'd have been much better off.
Also, we didn't have an income tax until WWII. Before that, corporations and counties built and maintained roads and infrastructure. The Federal Reserve didn't exist until 1913, prior to that the treasury department minted coins and made bills.
There were no property taxes until 1818, and in Texas until around 1979.
Cars didn't need registration or tags.
But now, everything has a fee.
Yes, it has been a slow boiling of the frog. Easy now for doom and gloomers to say liberty is impossible, but we had it here for a time. To get it back, we need to understand exactly what has been lost. I can't think of a better way to frame it than by examining property rights and how they have decayed in this incremental manner.
If property rights moves one to action very well.
At this point it can be The Risen Lucifer , at least he fought.
Maybe it is just because I have been under the weather the last few days, but it feels like we are approaching an inflection point, imminently.
We passed it, this is the Dems and PTB (same thing) mopping up.
The only slim chance is that they fuck up their victory, their rule is ruinous, but that is slim.
Slim to none, IMHO.
Yes, their rule is ruinous. But their control of mass media allows them to blame all the ruin on 'too much freedom'. When government control causes problems, the only solution is more government control.
So if they cause ruin, it is never blamed on them. For example, we have passed the point where the national debt can be repaid and 'austerity' can right the economic ship. As the economy gets worse, the public will go along with the mass media saying that only more government control can "fix" it.
The ultimate result can only be complete control of the economy by government regulators, which is a so-called "command economy", which is really no economy at all, but rather just government, as they had in the USSR.
It doesn't work though, so it can't be a permanent state of affairs. Also, never underestimate the black swan, that shit happens all the time in complex systems.
I suspect "black swans" are going to come with greater regularity ongoing.
Who is in position with organization and assets and the only one’s giving orders no matter how bad?
It may very well be a Caesar-like figure and a second revolution of a kind.
Nothing to do but fight it ever step of the way. The ultimate result will look more like collapse than the trans-human dystopia the materialist think is inevitable. But that collapse might be precisely what we need.
It might be irrational, but I refuse to lose hope that Americans will get it together. I refuse to give in to the authoritarian future they demand. This is America, motherfuckers.
The good news is this geriatric train wreck with their fetching supporting cast - DC is just a TV show with ruinously expensive Pay Per View- they will go.
They’re done, its why they’re stealing so fast, throwing all caution to the winds, and staying in office until they die as opposed to dying in prison.
The American people will then discover True Democracy in its manifest glory; 🩸☠️.
I saw the elites current “program” in Iraq and the Iraqis embraced democracy; and the attendant slaughter of each other.
You see - if you introduce democracy into strife amongst an aroused people , you DO get 💯 percent commitment and the total mobilization of the people.
Against each other.
See France 1789, Russia 1917* , Germany Interwar into Hitler (who was a democrat), Afghanistan 03, Iraq, Libya.... we The People will get
For the very first time!
We were a Republic,
And here’s where We The People find out what a Bloodthirsty Bitch Pallas Athena really is... because you see... she’s us.
It’s all to the ultimate good.
Because it’s Our Turn.
*In February 1917 French Agents treacherously enticed the Kadets into Revolution against the Tsar, the French plan was to mobilize Russian “democracy” against the Germans, the thinking being the vote would unite the Russian people to fight the Germans.
Overall it did work, it just took 25 years and Stalin’s order 227 rallying the Russian people at the Volga -and Stalin DID do that and not just with fear.
Ludendorff sending Lenin was the German Countercoup. That worked a little too well...
I recently commented on another substack site, only my second comment on his substack, that I would prefer civil war to a CBDC trans-dystopia. By your reckoning it seems we will get that. I have been hoping the Master (right) would subordinate the Emissary (left) without violence. But the Republic must be restored.
Constitution made of Paper, Blade made of Steel.
And ideas are mere words.
Categorically reject all but deeds.
By the way who would believe “ideas” now? We drown in ideas, the very universe shall be pulsing with our words for a billion light years, alien intelligences will be mystified by this race of gabbers long after we are gone.
Mises lost, they won. They won because we made the mistake of engaging them with words and paper instead of steel.
There are no deeds without a narrative to rationalize their execution. Thats the point Mises is making with that initial quote and I can't imagine you really disagree.
Mises hasn't lost because the war isn't over yet. Insofar as the enemy currently has the upper hand it is precisely because of the extent to which they control ideas.
How much more ideas you need?
How much can anyone stand?
They have One Idea; POWER.
They have One Move; Take it, because the Bourgeoisie are too afraid of losing their pathetic little patch - this and not ignorance or a motivating idea is the root of our shameless cowardice.
They have Dominance because THEY TOOK IT WHILE THE REST OF US DEBATED.
They took academia, law, media, finance, the schools, now the children’s innocence and very genitalia because THEY ACT, WE TALK.
Now they mop up by ruining the police and military and throwing open the borders to transients here for the free stuff.
They have One Idea; Power.
Be on top.
The people fall in line- they always did, they always do, they always will- because the enemy wretched as they are do ACT.
We talk.
Politics is Power.
In Party terms;
Republicans talk,
Democrats Kill.
That’s their idea and it works.
I just read John Carter's latest. Highly relevant.
execution vs understanding. Although I don't think it applies to those political parties per se, more outright grifting than ideology in play
I read JC -
“What is to be done?”
Caedite Eos, Amen.
I do agree. Ideas matter, but the curse of the Libertarians, especially the Austrians, is they seem quite content to churn out articles and impressive thought pieces.
The Left are altogether more kinetic. They do indeed act. We scowl while they riot. Obviously I am not in favour of riots or other disruptive acts. But they act on the world.
Also the Left have no qualms spouting nonsensical things that appeal to emotion. That works. Most people can't think at all. They want to feel good.
They have top cover, and besides as you note those aren't effective strategies for our side anyway. I don't discount the importance of action, I just believe political action is where effort needs to be applied.
I agree. Direct action, our equivalent of rioting if you will, is not compatible with law and order. Nor is blatant dishonesty. I also believe many of us understand that many problems in society can be solved by meritocracy; all the quota nonsense and the associated competency crisis. There is a political solution to that. Ban quotas.
I think the focus on NAP is mistaken or perhaps just gets into the weeds of dorm room Libertarianism. I'd instead focus on the empowering the individual over the state, the American experiment was designed to see what freedom and liberty could do, if the individual could live and thrive without being a ward of the state. And while it lasted, the experiment worked. America throve like no other nation in history. As much as possible, the power of 'no' should be given to the individual, not 'the people' in a mass but for you and me. The freedom to make your own mistakes and live with those consequences and the freedom to profit from audacity, opportunity and acquired wisdom.
As Heinlein said, and I paraphrase, political labels (communist, democrat, fascist, liberal, conservative) miss the point: there are only two types of people - those who want people to be controlled and those who don't.
Yes, I think Heinlein gets to the heart of the Schmittian divide between those who demand other people be controlled to be satisfied and those who don't. That said, near the center of that line there are people who strongly prefer institutions to have a strong mediating effect on behavior which at first glance might seem coercive, but in reality aren't. Once of the key issues we face is the left blurring who is and isn't innocent. Obvious example is white people. Are we guilty crimes other white people have committed in the past? They say yes. We are not innocent. Even the left frames things in terms of NAP. It is the default morality. When people moralize their self interest, they are almost always explaining how what they do/have done aligns with the NAP. Just because dorm room Libertarians can be annoying doesn't mean we can ignore it. Also, just because it seems so basic as to not be interesting we can't ignore it. There is a lot that goes into who is innocent. If everyone can at least agree on the NAP with the caveat that who is and isn't innocent is complex, it removes room for bad actors in the communication space to manuever via motte and bailey tactics.
Those who want other people to be controlled can't afford to appear willing to aggress against the innocent in order to get what they want. Right now, it appears the dissident right is totally willing to cede this important ground, which is a mistake, because it can't win against the onslaught of bad faith arguments when you reject the NAP and for a moment suggest that "might makes right." That is the only thing the enemy needs, to pain right wingers in this manner. Its one of the two, NAP or might makes right. The Left subscribes to NAP, but twist the underlying definitions. If we don't talk about NAP, we lose it to the left, and it isn't something that we can afford to lose, especially since popular opinion factors into our political system.
>I’ve heard otherwise highly intelligent people laugh at the idea of placing property alongside life and liberty in importance
Rashi ( ) - commenting on Deuteronomy 6:5
"You shall love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."
highlights the words
"AND WITH ALL THY MIGHT" and writes:
"i.e. with all thy property. You have people whose property is dearer to them than their bodies (life), and it is on this account that there is added, “and with all thy property"
The Ultimate Goal Of A Leftist Lunatic
Is To Become Their Own Victim.
- Of Course That They Start There
- - Doesn't Spoil The Journey.