I would also add that related to the "objective morality" standard, anti-americans tend to be blue-pilled in the sense that they trust the "experts" in the establishment because they do not trust themselves to reason to an "objective truth" individually.

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This is exactly what the "managerial class" depends on - people deferring their judgment to the experts instead of to their own reasoning.

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There's a lot to unpack here, but I agree with you in the main; it's ludicrous to me that we pick so many internecine fights, when the dragon is pretty clearly on the rampage. Da fuck is wrong with u people?

Will comment in more detail later. The only bone I have to pick right now is this: I don't think you will "burn in Hell forever" simply because your thought/language model doesn't include certain "buzz words." I don't think I'm alone in seeing that perspective as foolishness, either. You are my brother, in-or-out of Christ. Frankly, it's hard for me to understand how any Christian might see the situation any other way, outside of the usual tribal bullshit.

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The feeling is mutual brother! As with all generalizations, there are many exceptions. My only point is that a lot of traditionally religious folks do worry about the souls of those who don't subscribe to every aspect of their religion. I think being able to talk about how there is overlap helps us understand one another. I'm very sure that people can never all believe the same things. Diversity of experience and innate characteristics corresponds to diversity of thought, which is good. A huge diversity of beliefs can be different, but compatible. If we can understand this, we can look to those beliefs that are not compatible and take action to secure ourselves against those who believe things that put us in danger. It is my view that the ruling elite believe that the bulk of the populace are not worthy of consideration in their moral community. This belief puts us all in danger as they push us towards an economic catastrophe that will inconvenience them, but kill many of us. They will deny this if pressed, but their speech and behavior reveals the truth of my accusation. This is the real divide that needs to be explored so that we may determine the fault lines in the coming battle for sociopolitical hegemony.

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I don't really have strong feelings on this subject - I'm culturally Christian, believe in God, but am not exactly a regular churchgoer and have ... heterodox opinions on matters of religious dogma. But, I guess the counterpoint that Christian nationalists would make is that faith in Christ is crucial to knit people together and strengthen their spines sufficiently to stand strong and push back the darkness; and, that America having always been a Christian nation, Christianity is implicit in Americanism.

I'm not remotely convinced they're correct about that. Certainly the current state of the churches - Hagee simping for Israel, Methodists hanging the rainbow diversity flag, the Pope a card-carrying globalist - doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

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I generally hold a disposition that I first developed reading Steven Pinker's Blank Slate that the differences between individuals are larger than the differences between groups. I think the difference between the average atheist and average Christian is likely to be less than the difference between any individual atheist and individual Christian. With respect to knitting people together and strengthening spines, I think the covid vaccine mandate has exposed the extent to which that can be counted on. There are countless Christians that caved to the pressure to get vaccinated knowing full well that aborted fetal stem cells were used in the development of each of the available vaccines. Something I'm trying to do is familiarize Christians with CRT tactics that they are particularly vulnerable to. It seems to me that tearing down Christians is a primary objective of the critical theory laced struggle sessions becoming increasingly common in corporate America. If Christians aren't prepared to ignore demands that they sit and reflect on their feelings about homosexuals, atheists etc. then they can be socially and politically segregated and neutralized with increasing ease. I don't think America is America without Christians, but I believe very strongly that you don't have to be Christian to be American. If Christians can internalize that, they can be integrated into a diverse populist movement that will advocate for Christian interests to the extent to which those interests align with Americanism. There is an issue of trust here that I'm trying to address. If Christians had all the political power now, would gay marriage be allowed? Would there be prayer in schools? The only people that seem to be talking about this are people on the left who take it as a given that Christians would ban abortion from conception nationwide, mandate school prayer, and make gay marriage illegal if they had the political power to do so. Maybe I'm naive, but I think a political movement based on Americanism would help to establish trust with Americans that have those concerns, because an easy argument can be made that each of those things is just as unconstitutional as CRT being taught in public schools and Roe v. Wade.

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💬 Wokeness, as an ideology, can be seen as *a function* of the ascendant Turbo-Capitalist order — a means for controlling the working and middle classes to ensure that they can’t unite against their increasingly all-powerful masters.


Woketards (ty! 😆) are merely fungible foot-soldiers—in stark contrast with their rock/cock-sure self-image as a dazzling pinnacle of human society ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Interesting article, but I'm still partial to Michael McConkey's take over at https://thecirculationofelites.substack.com/ They nail the divide and conquer strategy here, but Turbo-Capitalism can be much better understood as Managerial Liberalism - the dominant ideology of the elite/managerial class since the WWII era, but especially dominant through the cold war. The fact that wokeism divides the proles is an added benefit, the underlying reason the managerial class MUST support wokeism, is because it is woven into the fabric of managerial liberalism. The telos of that ideology is to "progress." This progress is necessary because of the terrible oppression of, well, everyone. Wokeism is tied into the justification for the power the managerial class wields, they need to power because without it there wouldn't be any hope of escaping the tyranny of white cisgendered heterosexual men. It is, of course, a pernicious lie. In truth, there is no justification for the power they wield, and they have been demonstrating over and over again that all they will do in reality with this power is fuck over the people while enriching themselves and simultaneously patting themselves on the back for being SUCH AMAZING PEOPLE! Amazing, GAE loving globohomos.

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Plain excellent content awaits at the other end of your link 💯Culture and politics caught in a positive feedback loop! An explicit thank-you is most necessarily due 😍 Which may or may not relate to long Thanksgiving weekend in Great White North 😇

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I feel like one of my primary functions in the culture war is connecting people to Michael's stack, great to hear you dig it!

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