I feel like this fine essay deserves more time and words than I probably can dedicate to it. But since I disagree with about half of it, I will try to explain what I disagree with and why.

To start with: Massie. The decision to censure Schiff and the resistance to wearing a mask are not the same issues or even the same principles. Adam Schiff has demonstrated repeatedly that he will leak confidential and classified information for political advantage. He's not unique in American legislative history in that regard, he just happens to be a particularly blatant and loathsome partisan. And that behavior must be punished. The censure measure frankly is over-mild in my opinion, it certainly is non-kinetic. It is, in fact, the kind of political answer to a political (and probably legal) problem. It is the LEAST that Massie could do to support it. Failure to do so, yes, should result in his removal and installment of a wartime congressman.

We are in a unique time, but not quite unique circumstances. It has become clear that a cabal of people have been running this country and its policies without the framework of the Constitution. These people must be rooted out and exposed...and ideally destroyed. If they are not, then this country is dead and all we have instead is not a government by the people for the people, but a government of the elites for the elites. In other words a boring old Oligarchy not dissimilar from other nations and city states of Europe and Asia. This has been the case for longer than we imagined. It's certainly the case the JFK was not legally elected but was installed via vote rigging and it's also clear now that his assassination was engineered by government agents to install a more pliant and corrupted executive. What is unique about our time is that the information is out, that the head of the hydra has been exposed, even if only slightly, by the election of Donald Trump...and his removal from office by extra-legal means.

That's the issue. Are we a nation giving its consent to be ruled in accordance with laws or are we serfs held down by the threat of force alone? If we are not willing to fight on those terms, then may your chains rest lightly on you. You will not be the first slaves in history, nor the last. And indeed, in a cosmic or eternal sense, it may not matter. What may matter to God is how to faced these challenges and if you warped yourself in dealing with the blows and hardships of life, political and otherwise.

So you have to decide if you want to fight or kneel. I think anyone suggesting we not fight or that fighting 'isn't who we are', that the culture war 'makes them uncomfortable' is in fact empowering the Uniparty, the Oligarchs and demoralizing the citizens who are in opposition to them. If people are told they shouldn't even fight legislatively, they will never fight militarily. Optimates or Populares. Speech is the spark and the flame of freedom.

Spread the word, sure. But the word is 'fight' and not 'appease'.

And fighting means fighting to win. They are fighting to win. We'd damn well better do the same unless we want to end up in a figurative or literal gulag.

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I can still criticize Massie using this framework, but such criticism is limited to his argument that the mask fine is unconstitutional. I think that is a bit of a stretch, but since he made that argument he won't be able to avoid the perception of hypocrisy now with Schiff. He shouldn't have made that argument to allow freedom of maneuver to support imposing consequences on opposition when necessary and appropriate. There's nothing the enemy loves more than demonstrating that nobody has principles. They luxuriate in the idea that everyone is a hypocrite, they're just the most clever and effective. I'm not going to kneel, ever. I thought about expanding on the idea of the ultimatum game, but referenced it only obliquely. Basically if you get an offer that is so egregiously unfair many are willing to lose everything just to fuck over the person who offered the deal. I'm leaning into that. If the deal I'm getting is 'you will own nothing and be happy' then I do not accept those terms. Literal gulag avoidance was addressed directly in the article, figurative is harder with the vast censorship apparatus, nudge units, selective prosecution/lawfare, and desire to transition towards a CBDC. Complex problems, complex solutions, but everyone should find some principles related to fulfilling their purpose and stick to them as a compass to facilitate directed purposeful action in these challenging times. I essentially have one principle, don't violate natural law. If I can't fight and win without violating natural law then I'm not worthy of victory.

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🗨 Imagine how far we might wander off the reservation if it weren’t for the liberating chains.


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I respect what you write here. I interpret it as a call to stiffen our resolve without abandoning our principles. Think of it as strength through virtue. However, there is a limit if virtue is not to become extinct. When principles have been pushed too far, events will come to shove. I can see a point in the not too distant future when a humble and principled opposition to insane beliefs and policies will have to be abandoned, because it is now and will ever more be taken for weakness and exploited mercilessly by an unprincipled opposer. At that point, hoping that virtue will win without kinetic conflict is forlorn. Unless virtue retires pathetically hors de combat there will therefore, at that point, be winners and losers. Long before we get there, irrationality and tyranny must get the message that virtue will fight to win dirty if cornered, and that corner must be unmistakable and in clear view. With that in mind, I am with you!

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Fighting dirty is relative to your principles. It is entirely possible to fight in a manner many would describe as 'dirty' without violating ones own principles/engaging in hypocrisy.

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I'm with you!

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Nice post. This reminds me of an early 2017 long series of Tweets that delved into the Weather Underground and how the leftist elites supported their terrorism, leading to essentially no punishment and most of the perpetrators got absorbed into leftist academia such as Bill Ayers. The Tweets had a kind of hysterical undercurrent, but it's core point was correct: that the left and the right have fundamentally different tactics and strategies. The left relies on lies, distractions, long, drawn out affairs where people lose interest (hence lawfare), the long march through the institutions etc; the right relies on truth, hierarchy, swift justice, use of force, transparency. This is why when well-meaning people on the right say "oh, just mimic leftist tactics, embed yourself in leftist institutions and institute a march through the institutions the other way!" they fundamentally misunderstand the differences between the psychology between the left and the right.

Anyway here is the long series of Tweets re-posted in essay format: https://status451.com/2017/01/20/days-of-rage/

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"Cleaver, born in Arkansas, moved to California, attained his fame based on two things: 1) he was a rapist and 2) he could write. Leftists have this weird thing about deifying criminals who can write." Why does that just strike me as self-evidently true? Thanks for sharing!

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"Who’s with me?"

Count me in. Our own long march would be a difficult struggle. We will need legitimacy, absolutely. And the left will try to delegitimize everything we do. And they will probably succeed if they have sole control of the media. IMHO we would need to do something about that.

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Absolutely. I think Mike Benz is doing great work in this space to clearly delineate the censorship apparatus and its ultimate funding and direction from government (clear violation of 1A). This exposure is a direct assault on regime legitimacy and should continue. If you haven't read his work, doing so and spreading the word is just one example of a viable course of action to counteract the regimes attempt to gain sole control of the media.

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Thanks for the tip. I found a 2-part interview with him on American Thought Leaders on Youtube. I'll watch it when I get the chance. There's a little self-published book on how the government subsidizing startups for censoring us. Modern Control of Information A book of knowledge & rebellion by Kelly Chase Offield. You might check it out someday.

There's lots of good information from right-minded people, but it doesn't seem to have enough clout, or something, to compete with the MSM narrative. They remain in control of stream of information and even of our language itself. I wonder what could possibly change that.

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Found Offield's article on mises.org. Another book I've been meaning to read is Surveillance Valley by Yasha Levine.

I think the big obstacle is class interest. The managerial class can't afford to entertain anything outside the overton window, hence mass efficient self-deception. If viable alternatives to membership among the professional managerial class emerge for normies of middling competence I think we could see rapid and dramatic shifts. I like to think there is a lot of work being done on substack to build a ready made counter-narrative for these folks to jump to once their self-disgust and cognitive dissonance reaches a tipping point. See John Carters classic multi-part essay on the Hydra for more on this. https://barsoom.substack.com/p/the-great-convergence-i-pennywise

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I read your opinion and with the exception of the Massie/Schiff perspective I agree wholeheartedly.

As to Massie's principles you are correct, however I think the two situations are quite different and require different results.

Massie was being fined due to illegitimate farcical dogma where he was made to bow and show allegiance to the COVID/CHINA/DEMISOCIALIST religion.

Schiff on the other hand was breaking the law, and congressional rules, and more importantly instigating a soft coup against the Commander in Chief.

The two are not the same.

I still think Massie and soft twenty are completely wrong and I hope they have an opportunity to rethink their decision.

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We’re “blind and toothless “

And castrated.

But we have our principles.

Let them have their teeth, Eyes, balls, and the grimy illegitimate victory. And our kids.

Let us have our principles.

What outfit you with again?

Them’s ain’t fighting words, pardner.

Unless this is the Chaplain, wrong COA, let’s get back to basics.

We are exactly the teeth in eyes crowd, and if we’re not the precious American peeples will get someone who is...

Sorry to be the NCO here, I actually think if you get tossed into the 💩 soup you’ll be fine.




It’s gonna be tough to live doing all these tortured moral gymnastics in yer head.

The one that shoots first wins.

The other one is dead.

Don’t think. Shoot.

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I’ve got to add

There has never




A Illegitimate Victory.

The Present Regime is the legitimate 🇺🇸 regime because they’re in power, the traitors are in jail and traitors because... they lost, and bought Grannies to a street fight on Jan 6.

Everything the Dems say about Jan 6 is true, because they’re in power, sanctified by killing.

Everything else is false until the other side is in power, then everything about the losers is evil. This is history and current policy and eternal.

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Victory is neither legit or otherwise. It just is. This Machiavellian conception of legitimacy isn't demotic, and it never will be. It follows then that such narratives will not resonate with the bulk of the populace from which the regimes power is ultimately derived. Not sustainable in the long run. Legitimacy based on adherence to natural law will ultimately win the day, if only in the cosmic sense.

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“ if only in the cosmic sense.”

Respectfully Serious Question: Are you a chaplain?

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No, not exactly. I am working as the holistic health and fitness (h2f) officer for 1ID. The h2f system replaced PRT 3 years ago (FM 7-22). It has five domains, physical, mental, nutrition, sleep, and spiritual. It is my contention that the most critical and overlooked domain is spiritual. It is also the hardest to fix, because grand strategy outlined in the NDS is spiritually bankrupt. My primary professional responsibility is always to support and defend the constitution. The reason I don't resign is because my job is to promote the h2f of soldiers. The implication for me is that genuinely healthy and fit soldiers are unlikely to obey unlawful and unconstitutional orders in addition to being ready to perform their primary duties should a legitimate need arise. When not acting in this capacity I am a physical therapist as my primary MOS, and the mission there is very straightforward. So, no, not a chaplain, but I am now and forever will be a leaf eating POG no longer directly responsible for closing on, fixing, and destroying anyone or anything.

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My cognitive setup isn't as convoluted as you imagine. My non-negotiable principle is don't violate natural law. Simple, and important. If I can't win without violating natural law, I don't deserve victory. I'm also comfortable taking decisive action when I don't have all of the necessary information based on what is available when its necessary to do so, and I don't beat myself up for making mistakes if I'm putting in my best effort. I say principles and people imagine a bunch of lofty principles. Mine aren't so very lofty, very pragmatic and necessary for me to avoid being widely regarded as a monster and hating myself.

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This is survival now.

None of this will matter.

The only natural law is pass/fail survival. We’re failing and BEHOLD the wretches we fail to defend even children from?

On the way towards the mutual nuclear mag dump between us and Russia, which won’t be the end of the world you know, it will be the end of the Enlightenment.

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I do think there is more to life than mere survival, but I respect that you have a different understanding. There is a lot of nuance here, as I do think there is significant overlap between what I'm doing and improving chances of survival, but notionally there are lines I would not cross under any circumstances. Hopefully such circumstances never come to pass.

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Massie is sticking to higher principles while Schiff and company depose Presidents and overthrow the Republic - speaking of said Republic we’re not facing the end, its dead as Rome’s. Deader.

You’re looking corpse and saying it’s looking grim, no it’s DEAD 💀.


Now shall we attempt to save the nation and its 330 Million People, or continue to bang the Drum of principled conservatism?

The main principle of conservatism being FRAUD masked by Preening cowardice?

Massie is a coward and is pathetically probably afraid of Schiff.

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Massie is one of the very few that stood up for us in the military vaccine mandate context. I very much doubt that his decision here is animated by fear and cowardice. It seems much more straightforward that he has trapped himself by filing suit that mask fines violated 27A such that he would see himself as a hypocrite for going after Schiff now. I am not nor have I ever been a conservative. I think the word principled is evoking connotations that I don't intend it to here. Your principle could be live by the sword die by the sword and I would respect that. That just isn't mine, and to really articulate how is difficult. It is related to legitimacy and civilization. Subtle forces that shape behavior, karma etc.

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? The Sword?

You, we soldiers DO live and Die by the Sword, we are The Sword.

That’s our sworn duty, sacred duty, our only purpose.

Pardon but it’s not a question of you respecting it, you swore to it.

The mockery of conservatives is mockery of Massie and the GOP.

I wasn’t calling you a conservative.

Why I’d rather fell a man with a sword, or mace than abuse him so as to call him a conservative.

I wouldn’t have called Osama a conservative, or Hitler. As you say a man must have a moral code. I never insult Mothers, nor abuse prisoners, nor enemies, nor civilians. If I have to hurt someone I do (regretfully) but calling a man a conservative is an atrocity I shall not commit.

It should be on the Natural Law Statutes Books, if it isn’t...

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Haha! Point taken regarding Soldiers being The Sword. I don't want to open up the just war can of worms. As I explained in another response, I'm no longer combat arms. If I was, I would probably need to resign like Brad Miller did.

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Too late. You’re trained.

Good luck.

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"...there is a lot of work being done on substack to build a ready made counter-narrative..."

This is something that IMO MUST BE DONE. You are absolutely right.

I was reading the John Carter post you linked to me and something occurred to me. He wrote,

"A huge segment of the population is fully hypnotized, their minds putty in the hands of the WEFites."

It is really that huge? It's easy to forget that half of Americans voted for Trump in two elections. And most of the others are in one way or another living on money from the government so they vote to get more money from the government. How do we know where the Overton window really is? Because the left tells us where it is. They could be lying; it's what they do.

Maybe WE have been the victims of the left's disinformation narrative more than we realize, in that we believe that we are a small minority in the middle of a sea of leftism/wokeism/Marxism. All the more reason to coalesce a strong counter-narrative and find a way around the MSM to put in the forefront of the minds of Americans, it would seem.

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