You overlook a massive piece of the puzzle, much larger than the public health bureaucracy, and under even less scrutiny than the Chief of Staff of the Army and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs - the "intelligence community". Virtually none of which existed prior to the National Security Act of 1947.

Clapper continues to assert that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation, even as the DOJ uses it as "prosecution exhibit #16". He deserves Byng's fate most famous now as the source of Voltaire's droll observation "pour encourager les autres".

It is high time we remember that this republic survived 150 years without any of that odious apparatus.

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Clapper would definitely fit alongside Milley and Birx, and I appreciate this comment. I wouldn't say I'm overlooking it, I just didn't happen to use a prominent avatar of the IC as one of my two examples. The two perverse incentives I outlined apply to the IC in spades. It is probably worth pointing out that in terms of barriers to accountability, the IC is worse than other examples in two distinct ways. First, they budget that funds federal government civilian employees is distinct from everyone else with only people in the IC able to control it. Second, and perhaps most importantly, the failures of the IC are usually secret until long after those responsible can be held to account. My last article entitled "Spook Psychology" tried to advance a general mental model for these types. I wrote another article about the public health apparatus on my other stack and referenced the IC in that one as well. https://h2fman.substack.com/p/the-myth-of-public-health

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Bureaucracy will always work to shield itself from accountability - I don't think that is a surprise to anyone. What is a surprise is that it is not limited to government, although that may be its highest (and most dangerous) expression.

It is interesting that public health no longer much concerns itself with public health, nor does the national security apparatus care all that much about foreign threats (directly on this country).

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It really does deserve retribution, all the more so since it wasn't inadvertent or due merely to incompetence. They intended harm, and they intend more harm in the future. I hope the ghosts of Saddam and Qaddafi haunt them daily and appear in their dreams with messages like, "You'll be sharing our fate soon!"

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“While individuals and firms will always be incentivized to use the power of government to enrich themselves, this capacity is limited by the government’s capacity to fund such coercion.”

🎯 human nature does not change. ever wonder why those associated with taxation and banking are never portrayed in kind terms in The Bible?

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How to change the status quo is the question to be answered. Me thinks all is lost.

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Uh, no. See , The Founders didn’t take this 💩 and neither should we. If that isn’t clear enough, please ask… another.

BTW the Founders were in the same pickle. Tea tax? They were being sold to the East India Company in a Power struggle between the Crown and the East India Company. With the great famine of 1770 and the torment of India 🇮🇳 in view, when the Crown gave the East India Company Tax Collectors Commissar powers in 1773, it was on.

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Taking up arms is not an option now. This is not 1773.

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ALL 3 branches have betrayed the oaths they took to support and defend the Constitution

Examples are numerous and egregious e.g. Article IV, Section IV of the Constitution: INVASION

In doing such, on a continuing basis, government regularly demonstrates a belief that it IS

responsible to no one but SELF

However, the 3 branches are NOT exclusive

General and flag officers have

not only betrayed the oaths they took, same as I did, but have violated, in an egregious

manner, Articles 88 and 133 of the UCMJ

Leadership is a key part of the military and yet for personal gain, the above general/flag have displayed

and indifference to it

Like the 3 branches, THEIR oaths obviously taken as a matter of formality

God have mercy on our nation.

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More reasons why I want to compose a list of offenses. It would help with not having innumerable offenses to be accused of, but also gives us a handy list to accuse corrupt leaders of being bad.

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Jun 10Edited

I always thought the "Iraq's most-wanted" playing cards were an extremely effective means of coordinating and solidifying the delegation of responsibility for capital crimes. The idea should be repurposed. Just saying.

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Live this! Retribution now!!! Hanging’s too good for these monsters.

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Regarding Birx Peter Navarro has stated that she demonstrated zeros ability to understand statistics, which amazed me that she got so far being so inept. I think our system has created an avenue the talentless and pretenders because we are too fearful to speak out loud “Why should I believe you?”

We just accept experts.

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No accountability, only reward. Look what we just did to two of the most despicable politicians to ever defile our beautiful land: https://substack.com/inbox/post/145484252

Someone needs to pay … someone needs to be made an example of.

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I think the ultimate punishments should start at the top, the executive branch, and go down from there. Anyone who betrays freedom and liberty should be subjected to the death penalty. It's either that, or we round all the traitors up and banish them to an island far off of the freight routes.

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If given the opportunity in the Stalinist Soviet Union, would you hold individuals accountable for their actions that corrupted the system, or would you throw the entire system in the trash? Today's American officials are just a product and reflection of the system and how it functions. America needs a reset and a new beginning.

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Plan ahead! I do.

Here’s the Commissary list at Leavenworth.


Here’s how to send them money to buy items at the Commissary.


Us old salts have friends “on the inside.”


Right behind you!

Maybe ahead of you , Sir.


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Well Grant, this throws down the glove.

Remember men you are soldiers.

Not ordinary citizens.

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During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot observed that: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people of America suffered…. and our only means of correction is to inspect their work and hold them accountable.”

Mr. Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computer programs.


“It is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government”, he said.

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