Glad to see you expanding your horizons, and making some waves. With guys like you and Ranger Greenway in the mix, I have a feeling the military is salvageable as a force multiplier of liberty. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication.

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Did I see you won the battle over vax mandates in the US military?

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It's criminal the way the military cultivates leadership at the NCO and junior officer ranks, and then just jettisons all of that above a certain level to promote politicians who refuse to take accountability and treat their subordinates like disposable napkins. Can't imagine anything more toxic for morale in the long run.

Schiller was a hero for speaking out the way he did.

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Sucks what the Army did to guys like Rodney Greenway. All the harassment and negativity over refusing the vaxx mandates; more concern for CYA than taking care of a wounded warrior after he got blown up in Afghanistan; and all of that against a backdrop of the generals and politicians being criminally incompetent during the withdrawal from Afghanistan and none of them ever taking accountability or being held accountable for any of it. The flip side of that, though, is that Greenway was one hell of a great leader in the Army, standing up for his troops even when it meant jeopardizing his own career, and now he's taking that leadership into the civilian world where such leadership is also sorely needed. The future belongs to great men such as the two of you, and not to the criminally corrupt and incompetent hacks masquerading as leaders because of their rank or title. God bless you both and the work you're doing!

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